Ivory Mart
As one of the oldest and most respected jewellers in India, Ivory Mart has a reputation for excellence that stretches back nearly two centuries. Established in 1822 by the Late Shri Lala Fakir Chand ji, the company has always been at the forefront of the industry, offering the finest in jewellery and artefacts.
Over the years, Ivory Mart has earned a reputation for its commitment to quality and customer service. From its origins as Messers Fakir Chand Raghunath Dass to its current status as one of the biggest jewellers in the country, the company has always been dedicated to providing its customers with the best products and services possible.
One of the key factors that sets Ivory Mart apart from other jewellers is its rich history and traditions. Located in the vicinity of the great mosque -Jama Masjid in Delhi, India, Ivory Mart has always been an integral part of the local community. From its earliest days, the company has been committed to preserving and promoting the cultural traditions of India, and this is reflected in its products and services.
Late Shri Lala Fakir Chandji’s son Late Shri Lala Raghunath Das ji later took over the reins of the organisation. A very hard working and dynamic personality, he earned himself the title of ‘Kursi Nashin’ in 1905.
During the British rule in India in 19th century only selected Indian officers & chiefs were allowed to sit on chair while visiting British officers. Such Indians were issued “KURSI NASHIN ” certificates as a mark of respect to sit alongside the British officers and gentleman.
It was through his commitment and dedication that we rose to be one of the biggest jewellers and ivory artifacts custodian in the country.
In the year 1940, the firm was split into three separate companies, each headed by one of the great grandsons of Late Shri Lala Fakir Chand ji.
Late Shri Suraj Prakash ji formed Ivory Mart in the year 1942 and the Indian Handicraft Emporium came into existence in 1967.
In conclusion, if you’re in search of the finest jewellery and artefacts in India, look no further than Ivory Mart. With a rich history and a commitment to excellence, the company is the premier choice for those seeking the best in the industry.